Monday 18 January 2016

Thirteen--unlucky? Absolutley Not! Very blessed instead!

Blisteringly cold wind greeted us on the morning of Saturday, 18th January 2003. The sun dazzled off the snow, but had no warmth.   The re-frozen slush on the church parking lot scrunched and cracked as I pulled the car to a halt.  I was the first to arrive.  I knew I would need the time to get ready.
Besides my friends and family in Indiana, friends were coming from Illinois to attend a long awaited wedding.  My mother and I had been waiting for this day all my adult life.  In the quiet of the church I suddenly became overwhelmed with exhaustion, excitement and insecurity.  This was my wedding day, to" My Midnight Man". 
I had no doubts that I loved" Midnight Man," no doubts that I wanted to be married to him.  But on that day, thirteen years ago, I was starting a new chapter:  the stress of getting a visa after the wedding;  flying to a place I’d never been before; meeting John’s daughter, his friends with him being my only support system was a huge step.  But, like most brides, emotion overcame me and I cried. With the help on my bridesmaids I got through the moment. 
The mind is an amazing organism in what it can recall so clearly—even though it is years later.  I remember the weather changing quickly.  It was bitter, biting wind with sun at 9.30 am when I arrived at the church.  By 1.30 pm, the clouds had rolled in and we had snow.  It danced and blew like the snow in a glitter ball.  By 9.00 pm, when we left the reception, the clouds had nearly cleared, with small ones skittering along the blue-black night.  And the moon was silver white, full and beaming.  
The groom being prepared

The Bride being laced up.

Our vows completed.

A hug with that kiss.

Mr. & Mrs. walking into our new life.
Today it is just above freezing, and sunny.  But we have no snow.  Thirteen years have rushed by.  When “Maverick” and I got married, there were eight grandchildren; now there are twenty.  Thirteen years ago we worshiped at Hillsong Church, London.  Now we worship at a Church of England church.  Those are the kind of things that change.  But our love had also changed—deepened, strengthened, matured.  
No thirteen means another year of God’s grace we have been given.  We are blessed.  We rejoice!
Serving Jesus, Author of our faith,
"Lady Helene"


  1. 13 years already? My goodness! And I've only been on two long rides in all that time? Tut tut...
    Happy Anniversary, Dalletta. they have been wonderful years. :)

  2. Beautiful! Wishing you many more happy years together. xx

  3. John and Dalletta,
    Congratulations on celebrating your match made in heaven......
    Blesst the Rest!
    Your friend, Nancy
