Friday 10 January 2014

Experience the Breakthrough

          Plodding home this afternoon  I happened to look across the street; one of those “rolling screen” advertising  stands caught my attention.  They are quite common here in England.  They are on street corners and shopping parades, standing about seven feet tall, with back-lit adverts that roll up, then back down every minute or so. 
          Why?  Why did the advert catch my attention?  It was the caption on the rolling poster:  “Experience the Breakthrough.”  I didn’t care what the product was—didn’t even notice.  But I did feel like God was winking at me.
          So, I came home, pondered those words whilst checking e-mail and sending e-mails. 
The Maverick worked a double shift today, so that meant I was on my own for the evening.   A couple of hours later, I turned on the television.  This is a habit that comes from my single days—watching television while eating a meal.  (Eating alone is one of the things I really hate.)  Rather than do my usual channel surf through secular channels, I used the remote to change over to TBN, Trinity Broadcasting Network. 
          As I sliced cheese, plucked pickled cucumber slices from vinegar and looked over the selection of crackers, I watched television with a mix of restlessness and compelled attention. 
TBN has a signature programme, “Praise the Lord” which is aired live in the USA and then re-broadcast the following day on TBN Europe.  The host of the show, Pastor Gregory Dickow kept saying to expect God to speak to us.  He enthusiastically encouraged viewers to "tweet", "Facebook," e-mail, or phone friends and family to watch—as God had something special for them. 
To be honest, I felt like I was watching “Christianity Americana 101”.  Yet, God’s truth was being spoken.  And that is universal.  The second guest for the evening was Barbara Yoder; she is the senior pastor of Shekinah Regional Equipping and Revival Center in Ann Arbor, Michigan. 
When Pastor Dickow introduced her to the audience, he said she is known for her cutting edge apostolic breakthrough anointing infused with prophetic revelation. 
There was that word again, ”Breakthrough.” 
About a month or six weeks ago, I had a dream.  Whilst I don’t remember the particulars now, I do remember standing in a room and stating out-loud:  “Yes, I’m going to do it.  I’m going to be that successful writer.”
Last week was the beginning of our new year.  As I got dressed, I was thinking about goals for this year.  Sitting on the edge of the bed, absently looking down toward the row of shoes, I pondered what to pray and how to pray for this New Year.  What did God want me to ask for in this coming year?  The word “Breakthrough” popped into my head! 
It is no small wonder that the advert caught my eye.  And it was no  “interesting co-incident” that I should  be led to watch TBN to hear the story of Barbara Yoder. 
I need to press into this gift—writing.  Above everything else, I want to please my Heavenly Father.  I want to fulfill my destiny.  I want to use this tool to reveal the loving, redeeming, and healing power of God’s Person and Presence.  Just like Moses used the Rod of God to lead the people of Israel out of Egypt, I pray that I will make progress in writing meaning full blog posts, creating believable stories. 
The thing is, I do have a lot to say.  Now I have to choose each day to practice disciple in order to see Breakthrough!
As for the sign—well, I now know it is an advert for electronic cigarettes.  But I didn’t download the photo for the product.  I downloaded the message.  A reminder of what God has for me this year!
It is my prayer that in the coming days you too will experience breakthroughs in every area you desire.
Serving Jesus, Author of our faith,
Lady Helene

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