Thursday 29 August 2013

Making Mention

Prayer & Intercessions

“...making mention of you in my prayers…”

                 In three letters—to the church in Ephesus, the church in Thessaloniki and to his friend Philemon—Paul uses the above phrase, “making mention of you in my prayers.” 

                 Besides making connection with God, prayer also connects us with those whom we love. 
Because faith and sharing communion makes us one, we can also love those people we have never met—like the Persecuted Church in Syria, Egypt, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, etc. 

In Revelation St. John the Beloved writes that our prayers are as sweet incense to God.  Remembering to pray for missionaries might seem insignificant.  But when we pray it:
· Releases grace to those for whom we pray
· Opens our minds to hear God’s voice and hear answers to our problems
· Moves us from the natural to the supernatural
· Disarms the works of Satan
· Can lead us into worship, where God lives
· Allows us to access God’s strength, to compensate for our weaknesses
· Provides an opportunity to forgive those who have hurt us
· Is like rain that saturates our soul, and allows affection to grow

There are lots of ways to remember to pray for others.  Photos of my friends who are serving as missionaries are hanging up in my lounge and office (at home).  Some friends have a list of names written down and use it as a book mark in their Bibles.  When they do their daily devotionals, they pray for family, friends, missionaries and Christian organisations.  Some people use diaries to pray for certain people on their birthdays and/or anniversaries.

Lets be like Paul, remembering to pray for the missionaries and the missions organisations we know about. 

Serving Jesus, Author of our faith,

"Lady Helene "

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